Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Compare/Contrast Essay

Anna Tolanigadi
May 14, 2014
History AS
Ms. Vosberg

  After Nigeria and South Africa had granted independence, Europeans had left a major effect on western imperialism. The western influence on South Africa and Nigeria had many similar, but different effects.They had social similarities, but religious differences.

  Nigeria and South Africa are two very diverse ethnic countries that have westernized influenced media in their societies. Beginning in the year 1990, Nigeria had formed their own film industry called  "Nollywood", an industry that is widespread across the continent. Nollywood's prime language in most movies are English. The style of how most actors/actresses sing. dance, act, and dress in Nigerian films are influentially westernized. As Nigerians watch this type of entertainment, they become determined to inhabit these westernized actions. In South Africa, they use westernized instruments, like guitars, in addition to their indigenous traditional music,which has shifted people away from listening to their traditional, older, folktale songs from the times of South African ancestry to a more urban and modern tone from the present til now. South Africans have adapted to this new lifestyle of music and have become used to it.

  Nigeria and South Africa may be similar when it comes down to their "westernized media", but when it comes to their religion and beliefs, they are two very contrasting places. Nigeria's dominant religion has always been Islam, considering the fact that Nigeria has a numerous amount of Muslims . They believe in their prophet Muhammad, the prophet of Allah and in his teachings. Although, during the period of apartheid, South Africans were forced to become Christian, they couldn't be any type of African traditional religion, it was forbidden by the Dutch and British. People of the Christianity faith believe in Jesus Christ, his teachings, beliefs and practices.

After the Europeans left, to let Nigeria and South Africa become independent, Nigeria and South Africa have both somewhat been influenced by their influence of westernization. From movies to music in their everyday lives and their own beliefs of Islam and Christianity. Westernization has made a major impact to the people of Nigeria and South Africa.

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