Monday, May 12, 2014

Political Cartoon Analysis (South Africa & Nigeria)

This political cartoon features Nelson Mandela being portrayed as Moses, from the Bible. He is standing with his arms raised holding a stick in his left hand. Mandela is standing in the middle of an ocean that has been split into two waters,the "RACIAL" waters and the "INJUSTICE" waters which put together spells out "Racial Injustice". At the far end of the ocean,you can see a beaming, bright white light that Mandela is faced upon. Mandela is dressed fairly professional with his blue suit and black dress shoes.

Nelson Mandela served as president of South Africa from May 10, 1994 - June 14, 1999. Mandela had ended racial injustice, by terminating apartheid and granting justice to all South Africans. Moses, a prophet in the Bible, who is mainly known for as the man who had crossed the Red Sea led his people to the land of Canaan. Unfortunately an army had followed and his people became frightened,but as Moses stomped his stick and parted the waters, people saw hope. Now they were able to walk through and the army was now engulfed by the sea. Like Moses, Mandela was a symbol of hope. He was the hope to end racial injustice in South Africa.He was the hope of ending apartheid. He was the hope for the victory of South Africa. Moses Mandela was truly "The Moses of His Nation".

This political cartoon shows Nigeria's new presidential government on the road. There are several vehicles, the Nigerian flag, and police officers.There are also seems to be traffic on the road.

In 1964, Nigeria granted independence. They had a new government system, but still kept their country's name.Their government was a total upgrade from what they were living through before, but more strict. This cartoon shows how professional and improved Nigeria had become.

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